



June 20th is World Refugee Day as designated by the United Nations, and the theme for 2022 is “Seeking safety is a human right”.
Living in Japan, refugees may seem a distant presence. However, there are refugees not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria, Afghanistan, and other countries around the world.
Why don’t you use World Refugee Day as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of refugee support?

世界難民の日とは?What is World Refugee Day?


World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on June 20 and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognize their resilience in rebuilding their lives.

United Nations(国際連合) World Refugee Day
UNHCR(国連難民高等弁務官事務所) World Refugee Day
国連UNHCR協会(UNHCR for Japan) 世界難民の日

法政大学での取り組み Initiatives at Hosei University


Hosei University has organized various events and projects to deepen understanding of refugee support.
Hosei University also plans to continue its efforts to “contribute to solving the problems of world” as stated in the Hosei University Charter.

ウクライナ避難民への支援 Support for Evacuated Ukrainian Students


In view of the current crisis in Ukraine, Hosei University provides opportunities in Japan as humanitarian aid to Ukrainian students who have fled the military invasion of their country and who wish to continue their studies in Japan. Hosei University accepts four Ukrainian students from the Fall semester of the 2022 academic year, and provides financial support for tuition, housing, living, and travel expenses, as well as opportunities to take Japanese language courses and various specialized courses as non-degree seeking students (visiting international students).
For more details, please click here.


 As the Russian military invasion of Ukraine is still ongoing, we believe that it is necessary to continue to support the evacuees in Japan for a long period of time until life in Ukraine is rebuilt. We also hope that the Ukrainian students will be able to contribute to the development of Ukraine and the exchange between Japan and Ukraine through the knowledge they gain at Hosei university.
 For this reason, we are conducting a fundraising campaign to support the education and life of Ukrainian students.
For more details, please click here.

世界難⺠の⽇ 特別展⽰@市ヶ谷図書館 World Refugee Day Special Display @Ichigaya Library


 From Monday, June 19 to Friday, June 30, 2023, books related to refugees will be exhibited on the 1st floor of the Ichigaya Library. Please take the opportunity of “World Refugee Day” to think deeply about refugee issues.

法政グローバルデイ Hosei Global Day



Hosei Global Day 2022  featured a lecture by Ms. Mariko Kinai, Executive Director of World Vision Japan (WVJ), a non-profit organization that supports children in difficult circumstances around the world, including those of refugees. She spoke about the problems faced by children around the world and the support they receive, as well as about her career. It was a wonderful opportunity to think about what poverty is, what we can do now, and our future careers.

After the lecture, the students organized workshops based on five themes: “International Issues,” “SDGs,” “International Students,” “Language,” and “Representational Culture. It was a time for each participating student to confront issues for the future, such as cross-cultural understanding, international exchange, and language barriers.

UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinema(UNHCR難民映画祭) パートナーズ:学内映画上映会
UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinema (UNHCR Refugee Film Festival) Partners: On-campus film screening

 世界にいる難民の置かれている状況やその支援の現場を理解するために、UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinema(UNHCR難民映画祭) パートナーズとして、学内で映画上映と関連イベントを開催いたしました。

 In order to understand the situation of refugees in the world and their support, Hosei University held a film screening and related events on campus as UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinema (UNHCR Refugee Film Festival) Partners.


 2019年 11月29 日(金)に市ヶ谷キャンパス・スカイホールにて『アイ・アム・ロヒンギャ』の上映会を行いました。企画・運営にあたったのは、UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinemaパートナーズ映画祭の学生実行委員15名です。
 当日はゲストとして 加藤丈太郎氏(早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科博士後期課程・聖心女子大学現代教養学部人間関係学科非常勤講師)をお招きし、上演後に「世界と日本における難民の今」と題した講演をお願いし、世界と日本の難民たちの置かれている現状や日本での難民受入れの状況について解説をしていただきました。
 上映会には計70 名の来場があり、参加者からは「イベントへの参加によって、国際問題に興味を持った」「難民についてより身近な問題として考える機会になった」といった声が聞かれました。 

 Hosei University held the screening of “I Am Rohingya” on Friday, November 29, 2019 at Sky Hall, Ichigaya Campus. It was planned and organized by 15 student members of the UNHCR WILL2LIVE Cinema Partners Film Festival Executive Committee.
 The guest speaker was Mr. Jotaro Kato, PhD student at Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies and lecturer at the University of the Sacred Heart, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of Human Relations, who gave a lecture titled “Refugees in the World and in Japan Today” after the screening. He explained about the current situation of refugees in the world and in Japan, as well as the situation of accepting refugees in Japan.
 A total of 70 people attended the screening, and participants commented that “they became more interested in international issues after attending the event” and that “it gave them an opportunity to think about refugees as a familiar problem”.


 2018年11月29 日(木)に市ヶ谷キャンパス・スカイホールにて『ソニータ』の上映会を行いました。
 当日はゲストとして 浅木 麻梨耶氏((公益社団法人)シャンティ国際ボランティア会(SVA) アフガニスタン事業担当)をお招きして、上演後に「難民・帰還民の状況in アフガニスタン」と題した講演をお願いし、本映画でのアフガニスタンの難民たちの背景や置かれている現状について解説をしていただきました。また、参加者は質疑応答を通して「難民問題の原因」や「難民支援の難しさ」について理解を深めることができました。上映会には計60 名の来場があり、参加者からは「アフガニスタンの難民だけでなく帰還民という新しい問題を知ることができた」「難民支援に携わっていきたい」といった声が聞かれました。

On Thursday, November 29, 2018, Hosei University held the screening of “Sonita” at the Sky Hall on the Ichigaya Campus.
 After the screening, we invited Ms. Mariya Asaki (Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA), in charge of Afghanistan Project) as a guest speaker to give a lecture titled “The Situation of Refugees and Returnees in Afghanistan”, explaining the background and current situation of Afghan refugees in this film. She explained the background and current situation of the Afghan refugees in the film. Through the Q&A session, participants were able to deepen their understanding of the “causes of the refugee problem” and “difficulties in supporting refugees. A total of 60 people attended the screening, and participants commented that “they were able to learn about new issues, not only Afghan refugees but also returnees”, and that “they would like to be involved in supporting refugees”.


1.「なんみんフェス2023 in 渋谷」
2023年6月17日(土)、世界難民の日に先駆けて、国連UNHCR協会はYouth UNHCRとUNHCR駐日事務所と共催で、渋谷を舞台に「なんみんフェス」を開催します。
(クロージングイベント:18:00-19:30 in ヒカリエ)



国連UNHCR協会では難民女性支援プロジェクト「WOMEN+BEYOND  私たちから、世界を変えよう。」を展開しており、気軽に難民支援に参加できるファンドレイジング企画として、チャリティラン&ウォークを6月6日(火)より開催しています。
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