






  • 在留資格変更許可申請 ※特定活動1回目の方
  • (留学→就職活動のための特定活動への変更に必要な書類)
  • 在留資格変更許可申請書 (申請人4枚)※所属機関作成用は不要
  • ・在学証明書(申請時に在学中の場合) 
  • ・卒業証明書または
  •  卒業見込み証明書(申請時に在学中の場合)※1
  • ・就職活動計画書及び活動の実績を示す資料 ※2
  •  (会社説明会に参加したことが分かる資料・説明会の予約メール・エントリーシートの写し等)
  • ・グローバル教育センターが発行した推薦状(大学からメールで送付)(必ずカラーで印刷)
  • ・銀行の残高がわかるもの(残高証明書や通帳の残高がわかるページ等)
  • ・在留カード
  • ・パスポート
  • ・学生証(申請時に在学中の場合)
  • 資格外活動許可申請書
  • 在留資格更新可申請 ※特定活動2回目の方
  • (就職活動のための特定活動の更新に必要な書類)
  • 在留期間更新許可申請書 (申請人4枚)※所属機関作成用は不要
  • 卒業証明書
  • ・就職活動計画書及び活動の実績を示す資料
  •  (会社説明会に参加したことが分かる資料・説明会の予約メール・エントリーシートの写し等)
  • ・グローバル教育センターが発行した推薦状(大学からメールで送付)
  • ・銀行の残高がわかるもの(残高証明書や通帳の残高がわかるページ等)
  • ・在留カード
  • ・パスポート
  • 資格外活動許可申請書

※1 卒業直前で在留資格「留学」の期限が切れる場合は、「卒業証明書」の代わりに「卒業見込証明書」を提出すれば、入国管理局はこの「特定活動」の申請を受理してくれます。この申請を行うことによって、オーバーステイの危険が無くなります(在留資格の申請中は日本に滞在できるため)。なお、卒業式後に必ず、「卒業証明書」を入国管理局に提出してください(「卒業証明書」を提出しなければ、在留資格の審査が進みません)。

※2 在学中に十分に就職活動ができなかった大学院生は、代わりに大学発行の理由書を提出してください。大学推薦状申請フォームから、推薦状とともに理由書の申請も可能です。






・在学生は「卒業見込み証明書」「在学証明書」が1通ずつ必要になります。在学生用の証明書が選択肢にありませんので、「和文・卒業証明書」を2通と入力し、連絡事項に「ビザ更新のため和文の 「卒業見込み証明書」「在学証明書」を1通ずつ」と入力してください。







International students (except for post-master’s researchers and research students) who wish stay in Japan and continue searching for employment after graduation(March 24th or September 16th) may stay for six months. In such cases, the status of residence changes from “Student” to “Designated Activities,” and the period of stay may be extended for another six months(Total 1 year maximum). During this period, students may engage in activities other than those permitted under the status of residence previously granted, for up to 28 hours a week, on request.

◇Documents to be submitted to the Immigration Bureau

After sending a letter of recommendation from the university by e-mail, please apply for immigration with the following documents.

  • Change of residence status ※First application
  • (Documents required for change)
  • Application for change of residence status (4 pages for use by applicant )
  • ・Certificate of student status(If you are a student of Hosei University at the time of application) 
  • ・Diploma or certificate of graduation or
  •  Certificate of expected graduation(If you are a student of Hosei University at the time of application)※1
  • ・Documents certifying that you are continuously looking for a job
  •  (Documents showing that you joined company information session, confirmation emails for reservation of company information session, ,copies of job application form (“Entry Sheet”))
  • Letter of recommendation from Hosei university(printing color)
  • ・Documents or other information certifying your ability to pay expenses during your stay.(Copy of passbook)
  • ・Residence card
  • ・Passport
  • ・Student Card (If you are a student of Hosei University at the time of application)
  • Application for permission to engage in an activity


  • Extension of status of residence ※Second application
  • (Documents required for extension)
  • Application for Extension of Period of Stay (for applicant 4 sheets)</a
  • ・Diploma or certificate of graduation
  • ・Documents certifying that you are continuously looking for a job
  •  (Documents showing that you joined company information session, confirmation emails for reservation of company information session, ,copies of job application form (“Entry Sheet”))
  • Letter of recommendation from Hosei university
  • ・Documents or other information certifying your ability to pay expenses during your stay.(Copy of passbook)
  • ・Residence card
  • ・Passport
  • Application for permission to engage in an activity

※1* If your “Student” resident status will expire immediately before graduation, your application for “Designated Activities” will be accepted upon submission of a “certificate of expected graduation” instead of a “certificate of graduation.” This application will eliminate the risk of overstay (since the applicant can continue to stay in Japan while the application is pending). Submit the “certificate of graduation” to the Immigration Burau without fail (screening for resident status will not proceed without the submission of the “certificate of graduation”)

◇Mandatory procedures in order to obtain a recommendation issued by the university

*Please note that change of status of residence from “Student” to “Designated Activities” can be applied by international students who have started searching for employment before graduation AND will continue searching for employment after graduation. International students who start searching for employment after graduation are not eligible to apply for such change of status of residence.

1.Submit an application form for “Letter of recommendation”
■Application Form for “Letter of recommendation”
*To complete the application, you will need “Documents proving your continuous job searching”e.g.) documents showing that you attended a company recruiting session/job fair, a reservation email for a company recruiting session/job fair, a copy of your entry sheet, an email regarding selection procedure by a company, etc.

2.Submit an application form for Certificates
■Application Form for Certificates
*This system is for alumni, but current studens can also use it

・The alumni request a Certificate of graduation.
・There is no choice for certificates of current students.So please request 2 copies of “Certificate of Graduation”, and write in comments as follows:“Certificate of students status (in Japanese), and Certificate of expected Graduation (in Japanese), 1 copy of each

3.The Global Education Center (Ichigaya) will prepare a letter of recommendation for the Immigration Bureau if the Global Education Center deems it appropriate for the university to issue the letter of recommendation.

◇What to do after the application for “Designated Activities” resident status

1. Report the application results. Upon successfully acquiring the “Designated Activities” resident status, submit your residence card
■Residence card application form

2If you have not found a job by the expiry date of your period of residence with the “Designated Activities” status and wish to continue searching for employment, contact the university no later than one month before the expiration of your visa, and follow the same procedure as the first time of application.

3.Once you have completed your job searching, submit your final report sheet through the online application form. Also, report your career plans to Career Center via the Career/Employment System.
■Final report sheet
*Please be sure to submit the Final Report Sheet when you find a job, when you return to your home country without finding a job in Japan, or when you change your status of residence to another one.

Career/Employment System