
3. 第1次選考(在外日本国大使館・総領事館) / First Screening (Japanese Embassies / Consulate Generals)

在外公館では、第1次選考として書類審査、語学筆記試験、面接試験を行います。優秀な人材、日本に留学する目的や日本語または英語で意思疎通ができるかなどを確認します。国費奨学金(大使館推薦)に申請するには、まずこの第1次選考に合格する必要があります。詳細は文部科学省ホームページ“日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生募集要項 研究留学生”をご覧ください。

The Japanese diplomatic missions will conduct the First Screening of applicants by means of examination of submitted application documents, written examinations of language proficiency and interviews. They will confirm that applicants have a great personality, a clear sense of purpose to study in Japan, and a sufficient Japanese or English language ability to communicate with his/her academic advisor in Japan. To apply for MEXT Scholarship (Embassy Recommendation), applicants must first pass the first screening conducted by the local Japanese Embassy / Consulate General. For further information, please refer to JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP FORRESEARCH STUDENTS.”