
5. 第2次選考(在外日本国大使館・総領事館 / Second Screening (Japanese Embassies / Consulate Generals)


法政大学への配置が正式に決まった学生に対して、4月期渡日者の場合は2月頃に、10月期渡日の場合は7月頃に、渡日前後の必要な手続き等についてご案内します。全ての案内は「法政大学受入内諾書申請書」に書かれている皆さんのemail アドレスに連絡しますので、定期的にご確認ください。

MEXT conducts the Second Screening based on the results of the First Screening conducted by the Japanese diplomatic mission in the applicant’s country, and selects the applicants as the MEXT Scholarship Students as long as their placements to universities have been decided.
“Letter of Acceptance” issued by Hosei University does not guarantee that you will be placed at our university. The final decision for university placements will be decided by the MEXT and notified to each university around January into February of the next year. In addition, university placement will be notified by the MEXT to the applicant via each embassy or consulate and cannot be notified by the university itself. So that please do not ask for the response from Hosei University.
For those who are officially selected to be placed at Hosei University, we will inform you required procedures in February for April term and in July for October term. All of the information will be sent to the email address provided on your  “Hosei University Application Form for Letter of Acceptance,” so please make sure to check your email.