Our Path to Globalization Began at Foundation
Starting from our foundation in 1880 by pioneers in the field of law, and with the support of students with a strong desire to learn, HOSEI University has been committed to the creation of an academic culture of freedom and progress. In keeping with Article 1 of the university bylaws, the university has produced many graduates who “contribute to public welfare…in the spirit of democracy.” Graduates’ work has supported social reforms in a wide range of fields and contributed to advances in culture and sports. Not being content to rest on this history and tradition, HOSEI University will continue to accept the challenge of initiating new reforms that contribute toward the fulfillment of the university’s mission.
Boissonade’s Law School
In May 1881, the Tokyo School of Law, the forerunner of HOSEI University, was established as an independent institution by the Law Instruction Office of Tokyo Hogakusha (Tokyo Company of Law). An advertisement in the May 28, 1881 issue of the Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun announced that “French legal scholar Gustave Émile Boissonade will be presenting a lecture once a week on civil contract law,” and Boissonade was appointed head instructor in 1883. With the exception of the 15 months he spent in France, Boissonade lectured without pay for 12 years from May 1881 to June 1894 at the Tokyo School of Law and at the Wafutsu Horitsu Gakko (Tokyo School of Japanese and French Law), another school later incorporated into HOSEI University. Boissonade’s lectures at this time are said to have been given in French and translated into Japanese by other members of the faculty.
HOSEI University Intensive Course for Foreign Students from Qing-dynasty China
In 1904, HOSEI University instituted an intensive law and politics course for foreign students from China, and many of its graduates went on to play major roles in the modernization and building of a new China. Chinese graduates of this special course as well as of HOSEI University itself included many leaders in the 1911 Xinhai Revolution; important figures in the Republic of China, including a Chief Justice of the People’s Republic of China; many members of the National Assembly that convened in 1913; and a number of provincial assembly members.
Flight to Europe of the Seinen Nihon
On May 29, 1931, a recently completed propeller-driven biplane, the Seinen Nihon, took off from Tokyo Airport (today’s Tokyo (Haneda) International Airport) and headed for Rome, Italy. Representing the Japan Students Aviation League, the pilot was from the HOSEI University Aviation Research Association (which later became the Aviation Club) and the name of the plane was taken from a verse of the HOSEI University anthem. The aircraft was piloted by Moritaka Kurimura, a second-year economics students, who was accompanied by flight instructor Ryotaro Kumagawa. Kurimura was the first Japanese student ever to fly to Europe. Although the flight took more than three times longer than originally scheduled, its successful completion was widely celebrated.
International Center Established
The HOSEI University International Center, which is now called Global Education Center was established in 1977 to coordinate international exchange and assist foreign students. In 1979, the university created the HOSEI International Fund (HIF) Foreign Fellows Scholarship to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university, with funds donated by the financial community, parents, alumni and faculty members. These funds are the basis of today’s scholarship program for sending HOSEI University students overseas. At the time, it was a unique system not found in any other Japanese university. Partnerships with overseas universities and research institutions made it possible for HOSEI University to begin sending students abroad and accepting students from foreign universities. Currently, the International Center maintains general academic agreements and other partnerships with 105 universities and organizations in 24 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and South Korea.
Study Abroad System Established
HOSEI University’s unique study abroad program accepts applications from second- and third-year students throughout the university, and students who are selected study overseas on one-year scholarships at a partner university during their third or fourth academic year. These scholarships provide between 700,000 and 1 million yen for living expenses and a full tuition waiver at the host university (however, tuition for HOSEI University must be paid during the overseas-study academic year). Credits earned at the host university are reviewed in faculty meetings, and between 30 and 60 credits can be applied toward graduation requirements depending on the faculty to which the student belongs.
Exchange Student from Overseas Program (ESOP) Established
The Exchange Students from Overseas Program (ESOP) was created in 1997 to broaden student exchange efforts with overseas partner universities. Today, students from over 30 universities in 14 countries are enrolled. With the exception of Japanese language courses, all ESOP courses are conducted in English, and they cover a variety of topics including Japanese literature, society, politics and economics. Most are taught as seminars, similar to courses at US and UK universities. In addition to exchange students, regular HOSEI University students can also enroll in and receive credit from these courses depending on the policies of their faculty. For foreign exchange students, the program provides opportunities to learn Japanese and better understand Japanese culture. In the case of Japanese students, the program provides preparation for overseas study.
Faculty of Intercultural Communication / Study Abroad Program
In April 1999, the Faculty of Intercultural Communication was established on the Ichigaya Campus with an international, interdisciplinary and information-technology focus. In line with the department’s guiding principles of overcoming national, ethnic, religious and generational barriers to cultivate global citizens, it includes a compulsory study abroad program: all second-year undergraduates attend one of the University’s overseas partner universities, which is spread across seven language areas around the world. To meet the diverse human-resource needs of today’s global society, the study abroad program strives to foster not only competence in English, but also communication skills in other languages and knowledge various regions. In 2012, the faculty introduced the Study Japan Program within Japan for foreign students, which provides both foreign and Japanese students with opportunities to learn about Japan.
Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies All-English Curriculum
The Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies (GIS) was established in 2008 to provide interdisciplinary education in English. GIS is dedicated to analyzing and exploring solutions to the cultural and social changes and issues confronting the world. The department provides an interdisciplinary education that endows students with the competence in English they need to gather information and communicate with the rest of world.