
Tuition Reduction System and Scholarships

Tuition Reduction System

Reduction Rate

Eligible undergraduate students receive a tuition reduction depending on their grades as follows.

How to apply & Payment Schedule

  1. Students who enroll in Spring semester
  2. Students who enroll in Fall semester

Students in the following categories are not eligible for tuition reductions

  1. International students dispatched by foreign governments
  2. International students participating in student exchange programs
  3. Students whose academic performance is unsatisfactory and who have no prospect of completing their studies. This excludes those deemed to have compelling reasons for doing so (e.g., serious illnesses that requires long-term hospitalisation or home care after hospitalisation; military service)
  4. Students who have repeated the previous academic year (including those who have repeated the year due to a leave of absence, but not those deemed to have compelling reasons (e.g., serious illnesses that require long-term hospitalisation or long-term home care after hospitalisation; military service))
  5. Students who are currently studying overseas (apart from those dispatched under the university’s program or those in the Study Abroad Program)
  6. Students taking a leave of absence throughout the academic year or consecutively during the spring and autumn terms
  7. Students who are deemed not to have financial difficulties (including those in categories a, b and c below)         
    a Recipients of a scholarship that exceeds the amount provided to government-sponsored         
          international undergraduates or research students in the academic year.
    b Students who pay extremely high housing expenses (room rent)                  c Students who are exempted from paying tuition for an academic year
  8. Students expelled for failing to pay the spring term tuition in an academic year (except for those expelled for the autumn term)
  9. Students whose residence status is not ‘Student’, as stipulated in Table I (appended) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act


Undergraduate students

HOSEI University provides various internal scholarships.
Applications are accepted around September every year, and scholarships will be provided to applicants with good academic performance.

Scholarship Name


Scholarship Amount Application Period
Provision Period
HOSEI International Fund (HIF) International Student Scholarship

2nd,3rd and 4th year students who requires financial aid for education purposes

Humanities: 200,000 JPY per year

Sciences: 250,000 JPY per year

September Once a year
New HOSEI University Centennial Scholarship for International students 2nd,3rd and 4th year students who requires financial aid for education purposes

Humanities: 200,000 JPY per year

Sciences: 250,000 JPY per year


Paid in 2 instalments per year

(Around  December and August)

HU Co.,Ltd. Scholarship for International students 2nd,3rd and 4th year students who requires financial aid for education purposes

Humanities: 200,000 JPY per year

Sciences: 250,000 JPY per year


Paid in 2 instalments per year

(Around  December and August)

Some external foundations provide scholarships to international students, however most foundations require applicants to have Japanese language proficiency.
Please refer HERE for scholarships provided by external foundations.
(Scholarships that can be applied in English are described in both Japanese and English.)

Graduate Students

Scholarship Name
Qualifications Scholarship Amount Application Period

Provision Period

Hosei University Centennial Graduate Scholarship  Applicants who have outstanding academic or research performance 200,000 yen per year  Beginning of April

Once a year

(Around July)

*Please note that scholarships are subject to change in future.


Vietnam Friendship Scholarship by Hosei University and Taisei Corporation 

This scholarship is preferentially provided to first-year Vietnamese international students who are enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Design (Department of Architecture or Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) or the Graduate School of Engineering and Design (major in architecture or civil and environmental engineering). If the number of such students is below the scheduled number of recipients, a first-year Vietnamese undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in any of the following may be chosen in each of the spring and fall semesters: the Faculty of Engineering and Design (Department of Engineering and Design), the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry, the Graduate School of Engineering and Design (major in engineering and design), the Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, or the Institute of Integrated Science and Technology.

Applicant Guidelines for Vietnam Friendship Scholarship by Hosei University and Taisei Corporation

 Application Form for Vietnam Friendship Scholarship from Hosei University and Taisei Corporation

Pledge for Vietnam Friendship Scholarship from Hosei University and Taisei Corporation