Study Abroad Program
International Volunteer / Internship Program
What is International Volunteer Internship Program?
Hosei University offers international volunteering and internship programs, which are designed to foster global talent by allowing students to see the world from a different perspective through various experiences abroad. With international volunteering, students will work together with people from other countries to contribute to the international community and interact directly with them, thereby deepening their understanding beyond cultural and language barriers, building communication skills, and developing students who will actively take on challenges overseas. With international internships, students will learn about different working styles and cultures while physically experiencing the economic situation and culture of different countries in response to the globalization of companies and other organizations. They help support the career development of students in the future, including employment in global companies.
Eligible Participants
Undergraduate and Graduate students
- Participants are required recommended English language proficiency for each program.
University co-hosts program
The Global Education Center co-hosts the international volunteer and internship programs with partner universities and other organizations as “co-curricular programs.” Students are selected by the university to be accepted and sent to the program with the university covering part of the cost of participation.
External Program
On top of the co-curricular programs (ones by Hosei university), the Global Education Center introduces programs sponsored by outside vendors and groups as “introduction programs” to give students more options. Each group is responsible for the planning and management of the program. Please read the details carefully before applying.
Offline & Online Internship programs hosted by Tiger Mob, Inc.
★ Available in English
Tiger Mov, Inc. was established in 2016 as an education startup with the mission of creating the next generation of leaders. Their main services include overseas internships and global exploration learning, providing online and offline exploration learning and practical opportunities for individuals, such as junior and senior high school students, university students, and adults; educational institutions in Japan; corporations; and local governments. With the concept “learning by doing,” the company’s strength lies in its global hands-on learning that combines the digital and the real as well as the number of opportunities available to address the interests of every individual.
- Offline Internship:
- Online Internship:
Offline Internship programs hosted by Social Match
★Available in English
Social Match offers SDGs internships to solve problems in developing countries! SDGs internships are overseas internships in which you work with students from developing countries to solve social problems at local companies in developing countries. In spring, we will hold two online and two offline programs.
Offline Internship program hosted by Intrax
★Available in English
INTRAX is an educational institution established in 1980 in San Francisco, California, U.S.A., and is a sponsoring organization for J visas approved by the U.S. Department of State. We offer a variety of exchange programs, primarily J Visa programs, with the aim of deepening the international understanding of the younger generation and encouraging them to become true international citizens.
★English degree students and international students may also be considered for participation if they meet the requirements for a J visa. Individual consultations in English are available by appointment in advance.
Offline Volunteer program hosted by ICYE Japan
★Available in English
ICYE Japan (International Cultural Youth Exchange Japan Committee, ICYE Japan), founded in 1958 and headquartered in Germany, is a non-profit organization that sends and receives “international volunteers” in over 50 countries on four continents. ICYE Japan is a non-profit organization that sends and receives international youth volunteers to more than 50 countries on four continents.
Offline Volunteer program hosted by NICE
★Available in English
We have been operating since 1990 as “NICE for International Volunteers”. Our business is to organize international work camps, which are camp-type volunteer activities, dispatch Japanese volunteers to domestic and overseas locations, and accept foreign volunteers for domestic projects. There are ultra-short-term projects lasting 4 to 6 days, short-term projects lasting about 1 to 2 weeks, and medium- to long-term projects lasting 1 month or longer. Before Corona, we introduced programs in 3,000 locations in 90 countries around the world, and every year more than 1,500 Japanese participants take part in programs in Japan and abroad.
Contact information
Global Education Center
- TEL:03-3264-4088