
【Calling for Applications for the Inaugural Cohort of “Global Leaders Academy” by the Nonprofit Organization “Leap for”】


 Led by Chikara Funabashi, founder of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN,” and current director Satoru Araune, a team of officers involved in the project has established the nonprofit organization “Leap for”. The organization aims to contribute to the realization of a society where everyone can thrive by facilitating support activities focused on community building and talent development for those aspiring to or with experience overseas.

This nonprofit organization is launching an intensive and large-scale program named the “Global Leaders Academy (GLA)” conducted in a multinational environment and in English, aimed at nurturing young individuals who can excel at international summits and organizations. Applications are now open for the first cohort. The application is limited to recommendations from individuals deemed suitable by this NPO. Current Hosei University students are eligible to apply through an agreement with Leap for and will also be able to participate in the offline summit at no cost.

Recommended for Individuals who are…

  • Highly motivated participants aiming to enhance cross-cultural communication skills, interpersonal skills, and negotiation abilities.
  • Those looking to enhance their own leadership and ownership starting with self-discovery, as well as leadership abilities in workplaces or communities.
  • eager to discuss and deepen their understanding of critical global issues alongside culturally diverse individuals.
  • wishing to build a network with outstanding leaders.

Program Overview


  • Youth leader, 19 to 35 years old
  • Good academic/ professional work performance
  • Must have moderate English language skills (able to read, write and speak in English)
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • A current leader in an organization or an active member of your community (highly desirable)
  • Highly motivated and have a strong interest in developing oneself to become a global and change maker.


  • April 5th (Friday)
  • May 10th (Friday)
  • June 7th (Friday)
  • July 5th (Friday)
  • August 2nd (Friday)
  • September 6th (Friday)
  • September 7th (Saturday) – Wrap-up session
  • June 13th (Thursday) around 19:30-22:00
  • June 14th (Friday) around 9:00-17:00
  • June 15th (Saturday) around 9:00-17:00
  • June 16th (Sunday) around 9:00-12:00

Application Form and Fees

You can participate either online/offline alone, or both.

Application Schedule and Fees (except for some invited participants, an admission fee will be charged upon confirmation of participation):

  • Recommendation: Free of charge
  • Application Period: February 13th to March 21th (deadline: 23:59 Japan time)
  • Results Announcement: March 26th (successful applicants will be notified via email)
  • Distribution of the Welcome Pack: March 29th
  • Recommendation: Free of charge
  • Application Period: February 13th to May 5th (deadline: 23:59 Japan time)
  • Results Announcement: May 15th (successful applicants will be notified via email)
  • Distribution of the Welcome Pack: June 7th

Reference Information

What is the Global Leaders Academy (GLA)?

Building upon the networks and insights cultivated through the Tobitate! Study Abroad Initiative of JAPAN, GLA is a project aimed at fostering the number of individuals who can act as global drivers, nurture people, challenge themselves in the international community, and actively contribute to a better world. Diverse and varied human resources come together to connect with each other with the aim of continuously contributing to the lives of young people around the world. Through activities such as constructing a learning platform with the aim of “Global Skill-Mindset Acquisition,” supporting the operation of international conferences and youth summits, presenting role models (experienced individuals participating in top international conferences, youth summits, or working in international organizations), and facilitating mentor matching, we foster the development of individuals suited to their goals. This time, participation in training aimed at practicing learning with the purpose of “Global Skill-Mindset Acquisition” has become possible among our primary activities.

The predecessor program was the Global Leadership Training Program, a leadership development program conducted jointly by facilitation professionals from multiple countries. Over 500 participants from 40 countries have participated thus far, and in 2023, an offline program was conducted with 60 participants from 16 countries. Building upon this foundation, GLA has been elevated to a program where individuals can acquire professional skills at an even higher level.


From the Training team

Global Leadership Academy (GLA) aims to enhance a community of highly effective youth leaders to empower and drive positive change in the world. GLA provides hands-on leadership experiences through evidence-based leadership theories and the application of these concepts in the real world, equipping its participants to be effective global leaders.
GLA selects young leaders aged 19-35 from diverse backgrounds, often from marginalized groups, and gives them access to leadership programs –theoretical and hands-on experience. Throughout the training, participants will concentrate on understanding themselves, developing socio-emotional skills, enhancing entrepreneurial skills with practical experiences, as well as stimulating social innovations, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking, all towards creating a community of active change-makers. GLA alumni become part of a lifelong community of impactful leaders working together with one goal: creating life-long impact and transforming the world.


Our dream is to create a life-changing impact and transform the world by training highly motivated young individuals in leadership and interpersonal skills.


Short-term objectives (2024-2025)

  1. Developing at least 30 young individuals to become the best global leaders, which will be measured by their active engagement in programs that focus on improving the lives of others.
  2. Creating a community of courageous global leaders focused on connecting other leaders who are engaged with advocacies towards improving the lives of others.
  3. Prepare participants to study, live and/or work in a multicultural environment yet still engage in social activities, wherever they may be.

Long-term (5-10 years)

  1. Producing the world’s best global leaders and changemakers, measured by the quality, capacity, and number of beneficiaries of not-for-profit and for-profit social organizations, led by alumni of this leadership training program.
  2. Developing human resource capital to produce highly effective global leaders and changemakers that other countries can follow.
  3. Creating global standards and excellence in developing global leaders with the primary focus of improving the lives of others.

Logic Model

GLA uses a program outcome model that is focused on solution-based impact using hands-on practical experience, with the intent to fuel motivation and inspire participants to continue working on solving social issues post-program.

  1. An opportunity to network with other young leaders who are working towards creating impact in society.
  2. a chance to learn from other young leaders, be mentored by industry experts, and experience hands-on practicum-based leadership training.
  3. renewed energy to continue to make their community a place where other people thrive.
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