Exchange Students from Overseas Program (ESOP)

Buddy system & Cultural exchange

Buddy system & Cultural exchange

ESOP provides a lot of opportunities to experience “real” Japanese culture. Furthermore, you can make precious friends from all over the world through following events!


Hosei University Buddy system (HUBs)

Hosei University Buddy system (HUBs) is the volunteer group of Hosei students. They form a buddy membership with exchange students to provide various support.

Example of the HUB’s support

  • Airport pick-up service
  • Guide from the dormitory to campus
  • Campus tour
  • Opening of bank account
  • Procedures at the city office
  • Enroll National Health Insurance
  • Introduce student’s club activity   …and more!

If you need a help during the study abroad period, HUBs will be happy to help you.
HUBs will be your precious friend after the study abroad 🙂

There are more and more opportunities!

Here are some of the events provided to ESOP 😀 
*The events held each year are different.

Calligraphy Experience

Exchange with high school students

Watching Sports


Tokyo Sightseeing

Christma Party

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