Exchange Students from Overseas Program (ESOP)

On-campus internship

HOSEI Promotion Project (On-campus intern)

Some ESOP students can participate in the Hosei Promotion Project, which aims to increase the number of international students who want to study abroad at Hosei University and in Japan by promoting Hosei University and Japan in collaboration with Hosei regular students.
This activity period is half a year.

We welcome people who are interested in the following!

  • Promoting Hosei University and Japan to overseas
  • Using official SNS to transmit information regularly
  • Creating some videos and articles

< Activities >

  1. Disseminate information and promote Hosei and Japan through SNS such as Instagram (in English)
  2. Creation of semester highlight video
  3. Write a report for the ESOP events (in English)
  4. Write monthly reports on your study abroad experience (in English)
  5. English translation of web articles on ESOP (in English)
  6. Provide feedback on the Hosei’s PR activities
  7. Cooperate with various events conducted by the Global Education Center and the preparation of materials.

Hosei University pays a salary to students who join this HOSEI Promotion Project.
Recruitment is done before the start of the semester for ESOP students.

The link below is highlight videos and Instagram shareing campus life at Hosei University by Hosei Promotion Project members. 

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