Message from the Director
GEC: The Hub of Globalization at Hosei University
In 2014, Hosei University was designated a grantee by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) under the Top Global University Project (Type B: Global Traction Type). Universities receiving this grant are “leading the internationalization of Japan’s education by launching new programs to encourage and deepen interactions and partnerships with the world’s top universities, reforming personnel and educational systems, enhancing educational systems to help students develop the ability to act globally and accelerating other globalization initiatives. Prior to receiving the Top Global University grant, Hosei University was designated a grantee in 2012 under another MEXT project, the Project for Promotion of Global Human Resources Development (Type B: Faculty/ school-specific). This led to various initiatives aimed at cultivating global leaders.
The two MEXT grants affirm the achievements and efforts of Hosei University in fostering globalization in education and research. Since the 1970s, the International Center had supported Hosei University’s internationalizing efforts, including establishing partnerships with overseas universities and maintaining a vibrant student exchange program. Established in 2012, the Center for Global Human Resource Development, launched the English Reinforcement Program (ERP) and the International Volunteer and Internship Program that provide students with opportunities to improve English proficiency, cultivate global sensitivity and perspectives, and have actual overseas experiences.
The Global Education Center, established in 2014, follows in the footsteps of these predecessors not only to continue but to expand their pioneering activities. The Global Education Center further enhances efforts in providing support for international students as well as Japanese students participating in study abroad programs, funding for international scholars to pursue research at Hosei University, and hosting exchange students and international researchers from our partner institutions. Hosei University has now drawn up general academic and/or student exchange agreements with 255 universities and institutions in 45 nations/regions (as of February, 2021).It is a noticeable increase from 2014.
Under the Top Global University Project, Hosei University aspires to be a leader in the globalization of Japan with a focus on sustainability. We do so through establishing Hosei University as a center of research on the history, natural environment, culture and related aspects of Japan, bringing together diverse research on a global scale. Our concept of sustainability goes beyond a focus on the natural environment and considers the sustainability of economy and society through excellence in education as well as the sustainability of a culture that has developed in myriad ways through a long history. Through building and making known to the world a sustainable education uniquely developed in the context of Japan, Hosei University aspires to be a leader in the globalization of Japan. To reach this goal, it is equally important that we welcome students and researchers from overseas, encourage more students to study abroad, and cooperate with other top global universities to improve the global presence of Japanese universities.
The Global Education Center prides itself as the hub of the university’s globalizing efforts.