
Guangquan Xu さん

Guangquan Xu さん

Professor at the Tianjin University

In 2012, I belonged to Tianjin University and had information about HIF from International center. I applied for it because I could find few scholarship for my research. I asked my academic advisor to prepare for documents. 

I joined field works all over Japan with my Hosei professor and conducted research about sparse trust, which I was not able to do in my home country.

My research at Hosei is on sparse trust data mining, which lays a foundation for the trust-related research in large recommended systems. The new trust-mining framework discovers potential trust information between entities in a large-scale user network and applies it to a recommendation system. The research results have been published by top ranked journals in Cyber Security, including IEEE TIFS/ ACM TOIT and so on.

I am carrying out the research about Cyber Security and Trusted Computing at the Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Networking (TANK), College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, China. I am the director of Network Security Joint Lab and the Network Attack & Defense Joint Lab. I have published 100+ papers in reputable international journals and conferences, including IEEE TDSC, IEEE TIFS, IEEE JSAC, IEEE ToC, IEEE TII, Information Sciences, FGCS, and so on.